Corepunk – Genders Unlocked, Business Model & More In The Latest Dev Update

Corepunk - Gengers Unlocked, Business Model & More In The Latest Dev Update

The developers from Artificial Core, the studio behind MMORPG Corepunk, prepared the Q1 2020 update to bring players up to speed with the latest updates for the game.

  • One of the biggest updates comes with removing gender lock and allowing players to choose preferred sex and customize the appearance for each hero, including facial features, haircut, facial hairstyle and colors for skin, lips, eyes, and hair.

We always wanted to give players more freedom in creating unique and memorable character. Due to the huge scope of modern MMO games and Corepunk being our first game, we have to prioritize features we’ll be able to deliver on time and up to our quality standards. For quite a while gender lock was one of these things that we wanted to get rid of, but at the same time that would’ve added a significant amount of work. 

  • The developers have decided the business model for the game: Buy-to-play + cosmetics (battle passes, in-game shop). Nothing that can affect the gameplay will be featured in the in-game shop. Only cosmetic items can be bought through the in-game shop or achieved with battle passes.
  • The developers are focused on polishing the first six heroes for CBT, each with three distinct weapon masteries.

Check out the update to see some work-in-progress screenshots of locations, concepts of monsters and more.

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