Crucible Is Out Now on PC

Crucible, the brand new arena shooter from Amazon Games, is out now and live for you to try on PC.

The new competitive shoot em up from Amazon has been gathering some momentum since it dropped a release date earlier this month. Now the much anticipated launch of amazon’s step into the online arena scene is here and it looks like it has the potential to blow away the competition.

New World Of Adventure

Gamer’s eager to log in and play can gain entry to Crucible for free via Steam and will find themselves on a strange new world, full of weird wildlife, strange new allies, and a mysterious substance known only as Essence. As you traverse the surface of this bold new playground you’ll pick from a roster of unique characters and fight it out in a bid to come out victorious. Selecting one of 10 distinct warriors, gamers will control renegade robots, alien lifeforms, and humanoid adventurers all with their own strengths and useful abilities. Augmented with some serious and thematic firepower, these characters are tasked with hunting down enemies and tackling some less than welcoming locals across a variety of game modes.

Game Modes

Crucible launches with three game modes, Heart of the Hives, Alpha Hunters, and Harvester Command. If you want to find out more about each of the three game modes then jump over to our recent update and find out whether you’d rather take out massive alien hives or simply shoot to kill in Alpha Hunters. While Crucible might initially look like another big-budget arena brawler, it weaves fast paced combat with some twists. You’ll have to decide if you want to hunt alien creatures, fight opponents, or capture objectives to collect Essence in order to level up, all the while watching your enemies and friends. Players who team up to take down their opponents are even able to form alliances that can flex and break as games wear on meaning you’re always forced to adapt to each new scenario.

Thankfully Crucible is giving us all an opportunity to get accustomed to this new world. Crucible begins an 8-week Pre-Season today. During this period, players can learn the game, discover and build skill playing their favourite hunters, and begin honing their strategy before Season 1 kicks off. Anybody who drops in now can grab an early adopter gift of 1000 credits in their game account while a pre season battle pass is available right now for 950 of those bonus rewards.

Developed by Amazon’s team at Relentless Games, Crucible comes with some top tier pedigree behind it, including many of the devs that made Guild Wars 2 such a success. We’re sure that for a free, it’s definitely worth your time to Hunt, level, and adapt. Crucible is out now for PC and you can grab it on the official Crucible Steam Store page.


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