Civilization VI: Gathering Storm – New Features Explained

With Civilization VI: Gathering Storm arriving on February 14, the developers have released a video to explain the new features being added in the expansion and offer the community some tips.

Check out the video above to learn more about Environmental Effects, Engineering Projects, Power and Consumable Resources, as well as the World Congress and more.


The second expansion to Civilization VI introduces an active planet where geology and climatology present unique new challenges. Chart a path to victory by developing new advanced technologies and engineering projects and negotiating with the global community in the World Congress on critical issues. The choices you make in the game will influence the world ecosystem and could impact the future of the entire planet. Natural disasters like floods, storms, and volcanoes can pillage or destroy your Improvements and Districts – but they may also refresh and enrich the lands after they pass.

Find out more about the game by visiting the official Steam page.

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