Cyberpunk 2077 – Gameplay Teaser & Screenshots from NVIDIA

While players will have to wait until PAX West for the gameplay reveal of the upcoming action RPG Cyberpunk 2077 from CD Projekt RED, NVidia shared two new short videos of the game through the company’s Twitter.

The first video is a short but action-packed gameplay preview:

While the second one is dedicated to the Cyberpunk Cosplay Contest:

But that is not all! Nvidia also published a couple of new breathtaking ray-traced screenshots that you can find below:

In case you missed the announcement, during the opening ceremony of Gamescom 2019 CD Projekt RED has revealed that Cyberpunk 2077 is coming to Google Stadia, possibly when it launches on April 16, 2020. The Stadia version is added to previously announced versions coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Google Stadia is a streaming-only console that was announced to great fanfare earlier this year. It will be launching worldwide in November 2019.

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