Daedric War Celebration Event Is Coming to The Elder Scrolls Online

Daedric War Celebration Event Is Coming to The Elder Scrolls Online

The official site of MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online has been updated with a new blog post to announce the arrival of the Daedric War Celebration Event that is to start on Thursday, January 20th, and run until Tuesday, February 1st. To participate, you need access to the Morrowind Chapter/DLC, Clockwork City DLC, or Summerset Chapter/DLC available via ESO Plus membership or purchasable from the Crown Store.

You can get your adventures started by picking up the introductory quest “Guidance for Guides”, available free from the in-game Crown Store or from the event NPC Calonir, found near any Impresario tent. During the celebration period, as you explore, quest, and adventure, you have a chance to receive an event-specific Daedric War Spoils reward box when you complete the following activities:

  • Finishing the event introductory quest
  • Slaying Delve and World Bosses
  • Slaying monsters
  • Opening Treasure Chests, Safeboxes, lootable objects, Psijic Portals, Thieves Troves, and harvest nodes
  • Closing Abyssal Geysers
  • Slaying bosses within the Halls of Fabrication, Asylum Sanctorum, and Cloudrest Trials

When you open the Daedric War Spoils reward, you have a chance to receive a variety of items, including the two new additions to this year’s event: Evergloam Champion weapon style pages and the Gloam Gryphon Fledgling pet runebox.

Even better, each day when you complete your first daily quest in Vvardenfell, Clockwork City, or Summerset, or the weekly Asylum Sanctorum or Cloudrest quest, you’ll receive a Glorious Daedric War Spoils reward box instead. These magnificent reward boxes have a much greater chance to contain rarer event rewards (such as the unique styles or pets), so be sure to complete your dailies!

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