Days Gone, Uncharted & The Last of Us 2 Are Not Coming to PC

PS4 exclusives being listed for PC on Amazon are an error
Days Gone, Uncharted & The Last of Us 2 Are Not Coming to PC

Following the announcement of Horizon Zero Dawn coming to PC, many players – PC and consoles alike – have wondered if it means more exclusives will find their way to other platforms. So when a series of listings from Amazon France have suggested exclusive PlayStation 4 games like Days Gone, Bloodborne and others, it sparked a heated discussion across various social networks.

IGN reached out to Sony with a request to clarify, to which they have answered with “The listings are not accurate. We have made no announcements to bring these games to PC.”

When Horizon Zero Dawn was announced for PC, Game Producer Sam Sharma has taken to Twitter to answer to express his position and answer fans’ criticism. In particular, he has noted that:

“to maybe put a few minds at ease, releasing one first-party AAA title to PC doesn’t necessarily mean that every game now will come to PC. In my mind, Horizon Zero Dawn was just a great fit in this particular instance. We don’t have plans for day and date [PC releases], and we remain 100% committed to dedicated hardware.”

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