DAYZ Gets New DLC and a New Map

DAYZ is getting a DLC. After launching back in 2018, Bohemia Interactive’s zombie survival experience is about to get its first-ever official DLC and a definite change of scenery.

I know that DAYZ is far from a new game but this first-person zombie survival game seems to have almost as much-staying power as the undead. After all this time the first DLC will rise in tandem to the 1.06 update on PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4. While we haven’t been given an exact date, the new update will bring a ton of new additions to the title and the game’s second official map.

Players jumping into the post-apocalyptic world of Chernarus will find that the zombie outbreak hasn’t gotten much better over time but a plethora of new premium content and hundreds of new assets for the community to make use of are coming. The premium DLC will also bring a brand new map, called Livonia.

Bear With Me

Based don the recently released map from the Arma 3 contract spin-off expansion, the Livonia region is a fresh take on things for DAYZ players. Cutting out into the countryside, Livonia is full of lush green backdrops, dense forests and winding rivers. It also includes a brand new foe. You’ll now need to beware of the bears.

Frequent rainfall and the odd thunderstorm will blow through the 163 sure kilometers of land that make up Livonia while old and new predators come after human-sized meat bags. If you want a glimpse of what’s to come then check out the trailer, above, for a look at some grizzly features. Survivors can find out more about the upcoming DLC package over at the official waste or keep an eye on the Steam store, Xbox Store, and Playstation Store depending on your platform.

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