Dead by Daylight Devs Speak About Cross-Play

The Dead by Daylight site has been updated with a lengthy post from the development team to outline its vision about cross-play. With the game available on multiple platforms including Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, and Steam, developers want to further expand cross-play opportunities. Currently, PC players on Steam and Windows 10 can game together, but developers have even bigger things in mind as the release of the Stadia version nears.

With that in mind, developers will be bringing cross-play and cross-friends to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch. There’s no specific timeline set for release but it is said to be “coming soon”. With cross-play and cross-friends enabled, players will be able to game with friends irrespective of console type and will also be able to take on players using the PC version.

Developers also announced cross-progression that will arrive for Stadia, PC, and Switch in September. Cross-progression means that players will “share their progression, purchases, and inventory” across those three platforms by using a Behaviour Account that ties them all together. There is, however, no guarantee that cross-progression will be made available for other systems: “As of today, we cannot make Cross-Progression available on other platforms and we have no guarantee that it will happen. However, we know that this is a community wish, and we will keep trying to make it happen.”

Check out the full developer update on the Dead by Daylight official site.

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