Dead Space Remake Livestream Announced


There was an announcement made about the Dead Space Remake. Publisher Electronic Arts plans to have a developer livestream on Thursday, May 12th, hosted by Motive Studio that will be talking about the new art for Dead Space.

The Art Director on the project, Mike Yazijian, and the team will discuss multiple topics: lighting, environments, and more will be just a few of the items on the list to be talked about. The stream will begin at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET and can be viewed via YouTube or Twitch. The links are in the tweet below.

Similar to Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Dead Space is a ground up remake and every piece of the title has been built from the bottom to the top. It is now also running on the Frostbite Engine.

“It’s being fully rebuilt in Frostbite,” the studio has said. “With all new assets, new character models, new environments–even though we’re basing those on the original designs. There are new parts, new props, new collision models, and so on. We’re rebuilding everything from scratch, but we’re keeping the same story and the same structure.”

Dead Space Remake was supposed to be released in 2022 but now we have to wait until 2023. It will be coming out for the PC, Xbox Series X/S, and the PlayStation 5.

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Long time game enthusiast and writer. I have beta tested a lot of Mmorpg's since I was thirteen including Star Wars Galaxies, Lord of the Rings Online, and Star Wars The Old Republic. Currently attending The Art Institute of Pittsburgh for a degree in Game Art and Technology.

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