Destiny Pals Literally Fulfill a Wish Before Dying

Destiny players proved that great good exists in all places. When Mike Mariana became terminally ill, he wanted one thing: To get to the Lighthouse.

Helping a Dying Man

While many of Mike’s pals had left the game, one looked in on him one day and learned of his illness. Mike said playing the game was all he could do to escape pain and not feel nauseous.

During the brief conversation, Mike said that he wanted to reach the Lighthouse which is no small feat. Players have to go 9-0 in PvP in Trials of Osiris. Mike’s clan wanted to help and tried, ultimately failing, however. Not wanting to let him down, they reached out to YouTube streamer DrLupo.

During a special charity live stream while Mike was in chemo, DrLupo and team raised over $7,500 for Mike’s family and managed to get him to the Lighthouse to fulfill his dream.

Later, DrLupo said, “I did what we set out to do – help Mike forget about his pain for an hour. Get his ass to the Lighthouse for the first time. And have a blast while doing it. And while doing so, he and his friends let us into their lives a little and reminded me that I don’t stream for myself so much as I stream the people that have built an amazing community around Destiny.”

In the intervening days, Mike has passed away leaving behind his girlfriend and two children.

Our condolences to Mike’s family and sincere gratitude to a caring community.

1 Comment

  1. Classy move.

    RIP, Mike

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