Dig Deep and Discover the Secrets of Exodus

Dig Deep and Discover the Secrets of Exodus

Prepare for the arrival of sci-fi RPG Exodus with a tale or archaeology that aims to Dig Deep.

Archetype Entertainment just released a new short story for the upcoming sci-fi adventure Exodus, titled Dig Deep. It’s a brand new narrative forerunner to the launch of a system-spanning saga filled with wonders and horrors of equal measure. But while the dreaded Mara Yama float across the void of space, players should also keep a keen eye on what lies below.

Much like the recent Archimedes Engine novel, this short story gives potential Travelers a look at how the world works. For newcomers fresh off the interstellar boat, civilizations offer up rare opportunities even on a dead world. Remnants of lost civilizations and the dead husks of war torn worlds all hide ancient technology that could provide a jump start to any fledgling community of Humans. The new novel follows two explorers and highlights the opportunity and danger that this approach entails. Players who read up and head into Exodus, when it launches, will need to take any opportunity they can to gather new tech. Taking the mantle of a Traveler, you’ll head out into the vast chasm of space to explore and obtain any way of helping humanity survive.  Journey across systems at near light speed and navigate a galaxy full of hyper evolved Celestial worlds, dominions, monsters, enhanced animals, and the unknown just for a chance to help your world get the upper hand in a race for survival.

Exodus is an upcoming sci-fi saga that follows iconic titles like Mass Effect out in the stars. The latest narrative update is simply world-building, but infers that this tale will be one told on an epic canvas like we’ve seen before. If you’d like to immerse yourself in the past then check out the Dig Deep short story now, or head over to the official Exodus website for more on the other dangers that await and the systems you’ll explore soon.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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