Disintegration Beta Code Giveaway


Get ready to try out a brilliant looking new sci-fi shooter form the co-creator of Halo in our Disintegration beta code giveaway.

Developed by V1 Interactive, Disintegration is brand new Sci-Fi shooter coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and on PC via Steam this year. Before the game gets up and running for real, the 30 strong Seattle studio need to make sure that Disintegration will effectively blow away the competition. Here at Gamespace, we have 50 pairs of codes for the very first technical beta, beginning on 28th January. You can check out how to win further down this page.

A New World

PC players will be able to spend 24 hours playing on a post-apocalyptic world, where humanity exists by the grace of its own technology. Survivors of earth-shattering events now survive as the Integrated, cybernetic beings but not everyone wants to be trapped in a metal shell. Players taking up the challenge will play as an Integrated character named Romer. He’s one of many who rebelled and are now outlawed by the Rayonne and fight for the right to become human once more.

The Technical Beta

Taking place between January 28 (8am PT – 11:59pm PT) and January 29 (8am PT – 11:59pm PT), the technical beta codes are available to PC players and redeemed via Steam. Winners will get the chance to take part in “two of the three frenetic multiplayer game modes” and help test the stability of the game client.

  • “In Retrieval, the first game mode, players compete in two intense rounds in which one team attempts to deliver a payload which can only be carried by their ground crew while the other team defends.”
  • “In the second game mode, Zone Control, two teams vie for domination over various capture points. Players must ensure their ground crew are alive and within the zone as this is the only way to accrue score to win the match.”
Time To WIN

You’ll also get the chance to test out seven of the final game’s unique crews such as the damage-boosting Tech Noir or the nuke-launching Warhedz. It’s all shaping up to be an awesome event and you can win by entering the Disintegration beta code giveaway below. You’ll have to be resident in North America for the test and the chance to grab a key closes on Saturday, January 25th so get in now and check out the trailer for Disintegration above.




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