Disintegration – Multiplayer Modes Trailer


Publisher Private Division and the developers from V1 Interactive have unveiled a new gameplay trailer for the upcoming tactical shooter Disintegration. The central stage of the video is given to the variety of multiplayer modes offered by the game such as:

  • Zone Control – crews compete to capture and hold specific areas. A zone is considered captured when a unit is able to occupy the area without enemy interference. Zones can only be contested and captured by ground units.
  • Collector – two teams compete for one objective: collect as much of a specific resource as possible before the timer runs out or the score limit is reached.
  • Retrieval – players are split up into attacking and defending teams. The goal of the attackers is to retrieve cores from spawn points and deliver them to drop zone. The goal of the defenders is to prevent that from happening.

Disintegration is coming to PS4, Xbox One and Steam on June 16, pre-orders are available.

Disintegration is a sci-fi first-person shooter combining FPS and real-time strategy elements. Set in the near future on Earth, the only hope for human survival is through Integration, a process developed to preserve human brains in robotic armatures. In addition to the thrilling single-player campaign, Disintegration features frenetic PvP multiplayer where pilots and their crews compete in three exciting game modes across a variety of maps.

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