Divinity Original Sin 2 Will Let You Take Your IRL BFFs Along With You

One of the key features in Divinity Original Sin 2 is the ability for players to play alongside their BFFs. Four people can play through the game together with each one playing a different character.

Co-op in Divinity Original Sin 2

Fans at Gamescom got the first look at cooperative play as shown in this brand new trailer. It shows two players gaming via console as well as two playing on PCs. It shows how how a player behaves in a game can have consequences for everyone.

Apostol is a baaaad boy!

DOS2 is an entirely new experience built on the  Divinity Engine. It has a new UI, an all-new art-style, and advanced roleplay systems. Everything that made the original great returns. You can go anywhere you want, kill anyone, find ways to solve problems and gather your ultimate RPG party.

You’ll be able to try this all out for yourself on September 14th on PC / Steam as well as on XBox One and PlayStation 4.

1 Comment

  1. I can’t wait. I have it installed, ready and waiting. Don’t want to play to much but enough to maybe figure out a build I will want to make my lizard man.

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