Don’t Forget To Grab Your Winter Veil Gifts in WoW!

Don't Forget To Grab Your Winter Veil Gifts in WoW!

Feast of Winter Veil 2019 is wrapping up, and Greatfather Winter has prepared gifts for all children of Azeroth. Those on the Alliance side can find their presents in Ironforge, while the Horde holds its annual celebration in Orgrimmar – just ignore the fact that it was recently besieged… again.

This year you get a couple of new toys – Wild Holly that transforms your mount into a festive red-nosed reindeer (only usable while the event is active) and Chrashin’ Thrashin’ Juggernaut / Battleship. As always, the Stolen Presents that you can get via a table mission or by completing the daily quest You’re a Mean One… have a chance to contain gifts from previous years.

The Feast of Winter Veil is Azeroth’s last chance to relax and enjoy festivities before an ancient evil unleashes its might on the Alliance and Horde on January 14th as Battle for Azeroth patch 8.3: Visions of N’zoth releases on live servers.

Ny’alotha, the Sleeping City, has awakened. Under N’Zoth’s command, the armies of the Black Empire threaten to engulf the world and reshape it according to their master’s vision. Only one hope remains: using the repaired titan forges to eradicate the Corruptor once and for all. But, in order to target N’Zoth with the forges’ power, the champions of Azeroth must venture deep into the horrific realm for one final confrontation against the Old God.


January 21 – Normal and Heroic Difficulties
January 28 – Mythic Ny’alotha, Raid Finder Wing 1 (Vision of Destiny)
February 11: Raid Finder Wing 2 (Halls of Devotion)
February 25: Raid Finder Wing 3 (Gift of Flesh)
March 10: Raid Finder Wing 4 (The Waking Dream)

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