While the rest of the Switch owning world is focused on Nintendo’s new cardboard accessories, an altogether different accessory is getting some love. A sneaky update to borgata online bonus code Bestheda’s Doom has recently added support for motion controls.
This addition to the Switch edition was uncovered by fans after patch 1.1.1 hit Switches across the globe and includes a number of other features. Alongside gyro support, this patch also finds a massive improvement to the party system as well as a number of other technical improvements underneath the hood. Gyro support seems to include a number of options, allowing players to modify overall sensitivity, activate motion aiming, melee, and turn on the Joycon’s HD rumble option.
What this means for fans of the franchise is a whole new descent into hell. Anybody that has locked and loaded in Splatoon will be familiar with this sort of system and for those of us more used to a mouse and keyboard, it could be enough reason to invite some cyberdemons to the morning commute. It is hell after all.