Dread Hunger Announces Fall Release Date

Dread Hunger, social deception twist on survivalism, has unveiled a Fall release window and a spine-tingling new trailer.

Digital Confectioners have just announced that their chilling social deception multiplayer, Dread Hunger, is set to make a fully-fledged appearance on PC this Fall. Initially launched in Early Access back in April 2021 this mix of survival sim and friendly backstabbing will thrust players into the wild and unforgiving Arctic when it hits PC, via Steam.

Dangerous Times

While traditional survival sims set players against their environment, this particular adventure isn’t exactly united in purpose. Instead of battling the elements, players joining this multiplayer adventure will crew a sailing ship with a divided crew. Exploring the wilderness with nothing but 19th-century know-how, eight player-controlled ‘Explorers’ depend on each other for survival. However, two of these are Thralls, set on spoiling any chance of survival. Much like First Class Trouble, this mix of other gameplay elements with social deduction garnered some positive reviews during Early Access.

The full release will include the final version of maps, characters, and gameplay updates to the Unreal Engine-based title. The result of which can be seen in the trailer above. The latest ‘The Great Hunt’ update, brings a new map – The Summit, a new character – The Hunter, her Bow weapon, and a terrifying new enemy – the Polar Bear. If you can build fires to stay warm, fend off predators, hunt for food, lure, trap, and hex whatever inhabits the Canadian Arctic then you might very well survive the Dread Hunger when it launches this Fall. Check out more about Dread Hunger over on the official website or the Steam Store page now.

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