Elder Scrolls: Blades hits $1.5 million revenue in first month

Bethesda’s latest mobile game was originally released to invite-only early access in March 2019, with full beta release in April.


The Elder Scrolls: Blades though not the top ranking in numbers compared to others like fortnite on mobile platforms, but in the first month they have not been a couch potato. Bethesda’s first mobile game has received $1.5 Million in revenue during its first month on iOS.

Bethesda recently opened up Blades to any account holder on iOS, quickly more than 1.3 million beta users signed up. Data suggests that approximately a million of them signed up the very first week of early access.


“The majority of spending by these players—about 73 percent—has come from the United States, which accounts for approximately $1.1 million of the total,” Sensor Tower reports. “The game’s second largest market for revenue so far is Great Britain at close to 5 percent of player spending, or about $75,000 in gross earnings.”

Sensor Towers Store Tool reports that The Elder Scrolls: Blades earns approximately $1.20 per download and users spend on average almost $50,000 a day on in-app purchases since the invite-only beta started on March 27.

The Elder Scrolls: Blades is on great progression path, their goal should be to nail down the in-game economy so that players feel as good playing through the lore and combat as they do purchasing gems or chests. Historically Bethesda Game Studios has not done well, Fallout 76 focused way too much on in-game micro-transactions for premium currency, and exhibited frustrating bugs and lackluster gameplay.



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