The Elder Scrolls VI Will Arrive After Starfield

Bethesda Softworks had completely stolen the attention during the E3 2018 conference with the announcement of The Elder Scrolls VI. Back then we’ve learned that the title is in pre-production and is a ways off.  But how far away is the actual release?

It for sure would not be during the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One lifecycle. GameSpot had a chat with ZeniMax Online Studios game director Matt Firor, who confirmed that “there will be a different console generation by then”.

Firor had also indicated that The Elder Scrolls VI will be released later than Bethesda’s new mysterious sci-fi single player game Starfield.

Bethesda’s Pete Hines drew attention to the fact that it takes a “really long time” to create games like Elder Scrolls or Starfield.

You can find the full article on the GameSpot site.

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