Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Delayed

Frontier has announced that the massive Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion has been delayed. The alpha version of Odyssey is expected to launch in early spring 2021 with a full launch coming a short time later. The console version will likely not launch until fall 2021. Developers cite the challenges and difficulties of working from home during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The ongoing impact of the pandemic, however, including the renewed lockdowns in 2021, continues to put added pressure on our teams and ultimately our development timeline. We have, therefore, had to make the difficult decision to make some adjustments and changes to our existing development roadmap.

Our PC plans have only been affected by a small amount, however, our plans for the console release will, unfortunately, see a larger development shift. Please do know that these difficult decisions have been made with a focus on making Odyssey as incredible as it can possibly be for all our Commanders regardless of their platform, while also respecting realistic project deadlines for our teams during this difficult global situation.

The alpha launch will be available to those PC players who own the Odyssey Deluxe Alpha pass and those with the Lifetime Expansion Pass. Players will be phased in during alpha testing ahead of the late spring launch to all players.

Overall, Odyssey is not being delayed too long and players have a lot to look forward to when it launches. Odyssey comes with a host of new features including the keenly anticipated ability to land on planet surfaces and play on foot. In addition, the expansion will introduce new NPCs and tons of new features.

Check out the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey letter by visiting the game’s official site.

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