Ensemble Stars!! Music Opens English Pre Registrations Ahead Of Big Stage Debut

Ensemble Stars!! Music an idol music management game that’s been doing some serious numbers in eastern markets has just opened pre-registration for its English version.

Idol groupies and new managers can sign up ahead of this free-to-play mobile release on both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store now. Anybody from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia can now complete the pre-registration to ensure that they get first dibs at the best boys and earn a few extra rewards along the way. To unlock the exclusive rewards, players just need to complete the pre-registration on the official website of Ensemble Stars!! Music. Attractive bonuses including an Exclusive Title, 200 Diamonds, 2 DIA Scout Ticket, 1 Gem(L), and 1 Gem (M) each in three colors will be issued to those who pre-register successfully upon the day of the game’s official release! Players who pre-register through the Google Play Store or App Store will even be rewarded with additional 200 Diamonds.

For those that haven’t seen the torrent of online ads for this upcoming musical adventure, Ensemble Stars!! Music is the sequel of Ensemble Stars! Basic. Idols from Yumenosaki Academy start their brand-new journey soon, experiencing excitement, hesitation, joy, and tears on their way toward a bright future. While they sing their way to stardom, it is up to players to put together the ultimate show production when the title’s rhythm challenges take to the stage.

With a ton of tracks, an entire RPG element to engage in, and some best boys to choose from, Ensemble Stars!! Music is perfect for fans of anime like Love Live. To find out more, head over to the official website now and see what’s about to take center stage

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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