ESO Shared Gold Road Zone Preview – West Weald

ESO Shared Gold Road Zone Preview - West Weald

The developers of MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online have taken to the official site to share the latest preview of the Gold Road expansion. The latest article is dedicated to a new zone: West Weald. The expansion arrives on June 3 on PC/Mac and June 18 on Xbox & PlayStation consoles.

West Weald is a new zone filled with unique locations, quests, challenges, and rewards for the adventurers to uncover. While exploring, you will discover the geography of this prosperous Imperial region is far from uniform. There are three distinct regions: the Gold Road, the Colovian Highlands, and Dawnwood.

The Colovian Highlands and the Gold Road are primarily home to the local Imperials. However, recent events have introduced brand-new dangers and mysteries to the region. In addition to the new Daedra threat, a mysterious jungle known as Dawnwood recently emerged from the region’s border. It has rapidly become home to newly arrived Wood Elves.

Another mystery is tied to the twisted lands of Wildburn. Whatever magic caused the appearance of Dawnwood also clashed with the natural flora and fauna. This left a region of devastation and created wildburn creatures, animals corrupted by the clash of magic and nature.

Check out the blog post on the official site to find out more!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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