Explore Inside A Fleet Carrier With The Elite Dangerous Odyssey Update 11

Explore Inside A Fleet Carrier With The Elite Dangerous Odyssey Update 11 - Fleet Carrier Command screenshot

Elite Dangerous Odyssey Update 14 has landed, adding some impressive looking interiors for the game’s massive Fleet Carriers.

Looking to do more than simply park and ride? The latest update to Elite Dangerous Odyssey now allows commanders to take a look around the title’s Fleet Carrier ships with the addition of interiors for these behemoths. Adding interiors to Drake-Class Carriers is more than a cosmetic change, however. The ships will now be able to act as social hubs for adventurers and soldiers out to take on their enemy, as well as being quite functional. Ship owners can also add a range of services to the decks, making them as useful as a starport. This gives players flexible access to services such as Pioneer Supplies, Vista Genomics, and a Shipyard.

The trading post is possibly the most useful of these new additions. Situated at the bar, this will give individuals access to a completely player driven trading post, allowing you to drop off supplies that are gathered while out on recon. This looks like it will be far more than a glorified NPC vendor, with the option for Fleet Carrier captain to manipulate prices, creating or fulfilling demand. This isn’t all that players will get today. The latest update to this rather troubled Elite update also adds a new class of mission. Protect missions join the fray and are exactly what they sound like. Available from mission givers and mission boards, these challenge players to defend a specific objective and pickup loot once the area is free from enemies.

While the future of Odyssey looks grim on console, this update is still a welcome arrival for anybody who has poured their time into acquiring a Fleet Carrier. These craft might have jumped into elite Dangerous al the way back in 2020 after significant delay, but they are still a huge investment. Update 11 should make the huge craft less of a drain on resources and more immediately useful for anybody who wants to push the boundaries of the new frontier.  You can check out more about the update over at the official Elite Dangerous website now.

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