Far Cry: New Dawn Will Have Light RPG Approach

The developers from Ubisoft are sharing new details about upcoming post-apocalyptic action Far Cry: New Dawn. The game’s Twitter page published a short video featuring creative director Jean-Sebastien Decant answering what game mechanics have changed over Far Cry 5.

Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has also recently evaluated Far Cry: New Dawn and unsurprisingly assigned it to the Mature category.

 This is an action/adventure first-person shooter in which players assume the role of a captain of a security detail sent to rescue settlers. Set in a post-nuclear Montana, the game allows players to explore open-world environments, engage in combat missions, rescue hostages, and liberate outposts from enemy bandits/marauders. Players use machine guns, rifles, flamethrowers, and explosives to kill enemies in frenetic combat; combat is highlighted by realistic gunfire, large explosions, and blood-splatter effects. Stealth attacks (e.g., knife stabbing from behind) are also used to take out unsuspecting enemies discreetly. Cutscenes depict additional acts of intense violence: a man executed with a shotgun blast; a man shot point-blank in the chest. The game contains brief sexual references in the dialogue (e.g., “Party liquor, pornographic VHS tapes…cool guns”; “I wanna get a speed b*ner”; and “…[M]y heart is poundin’ and my d*ck is hard.”). During the course of the game, players’ character can consume alcohol, resulting in a screen-blurring effect and the character passing out. The words “f**k” and “sh*t” are heard in dialogue.

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