Final Fantasy VII Remake Real World Stealth Game Incoming

Tokyo Mystery Circus has revealed that it is working on a “Real Stealth Game” based on Final Fantasy VII Remake. Players will be challenged by a 30-minute time limit and will need to complete their infiltration tasks without being shot by Shinra soldiers. They’ll also need to work through traps and other challenges along the way. The goal is to reach and destroy the Mako Reactor 1. To show what players can expect when taking part, devs sent out a video with scant, but interesting details revealed.

At the moment, the game is only available in Japanese but devs have confirmed that it will be coming in English and Chinese at a later point. The first mission will be available starting December 9th with hourly events running each day from 12:00 pm on weekdays and 10:00 am on weekends and holidays. Events will end by 8:00 pm on all days.

Via and

Don’t know much about Final Fantasy VII Remake? Check out our recent review of the game where we said, “If you’re new to the Final Fantasy VII series you’ll have no trouble diving into this remake. On the flip side, if you’re a fan of the original Playstation game you’ll find a lot to love here, and playing this version will definitely rekindle the flame! Final Fantasy VII Remake is certain to be on many “Game Of The Year” lists in 2020!”

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