Fire Emblem Heroes’ Popularity Contest is Over

We all lost, and feel a bit dead inside. Poor Marth.

Fire Emblem Heroes may not be the best mobile game ever (it’s pretty meh), but that doesn’t mean it’s not really popular right now. For starters, it recently was reported that the game brought in over $5 million on its first day. So yeah, it has that going for it. Apparently, people like to collect Fire Emblem characters.

Which brings us to the point of this little news blurb. The election for the most popular Fire Emblem legends that Nintendo was holding has concluded and the results have been announced! Ike, Roy, Hector, and Crom wiped the floor with, Marth and more as you can see from the results tweeted out by Nintendo today. On the women’s site, Lynn and Lucina just about murdered the competition too.

Check it and cry like me…

No love for Marth? I have a sad, now. I’ll go back to Super Smash Melee where I can drown in my tears.

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