First Satisfactory Update Arrives

Satisfactory update

Coffee Stain Studios just released an update for their first-person factory builder Satisfactory (check out our Early Access review). Currently available on the Epic Games Store, this is the first major update to Satisfactory since it entered Early Access. Going beyond just optimization and bug fixes, Update #1 adds a lot of new bits and features to the game.

  • Conveyor Lift (currently with placeholder visuals) – The vertical Conveyor Belt revolutionizes building your factory in the Y-axis. You can now replace all of your convoluted conveyor belt ramps with a tidy, streamlined lift. Available in Mk. 1-4 variants.

  • New Research Lines – Quartz and Sulfur now have a purpose. Both research lines add new parts and recipes to the game.

  • Explorer Vehicle: Exploring your surroundings on foot or using the Tractor can only be described as painfully slow. Let the tractor do what it is meant to do (transport goods from one spot to another) and grab the most exciting upgrade this update has to offer. The Explorer is an ATV that will have you zooming around the map and climbing nearly vertical obstacles as you hunt for more resources.

  • Ingame Map: Enjoy revealing the game map via exploration and the Radar Tower.

  • Nobelisk Detonator: Blow up trees, bushes, rocks, creatures, and even friends.

  • Rifle Mk.1: An automatic rifle for the purpose of Pioneer safety. Yeah, safety, let’s go with that.

There’s plenty of more in Update #1, and full patch notes can be found here.

Satisfactory is available exclusively on the Epic Games Store for $29.99. Thrifty gamers can take advantage of the Epic Mega Sale to get $10 off now through June 13. Anyone looking for more information before putting on their construction hat can head over to the official Satisfactory web page to learn more about the game and check out Coffee Stain’s new blog for even more insight.

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