Fortnite – Replay Royale, Underage Players & More


Earlier in the month, Epic has introduced a new feature to Fortnite Battle Royale. It allowed players to capture memorable moments and take advantage of a suite of cinematic settings to create full-blown cinematics. The dev team also has a contest going for the best fan-created movies. Check out some works below!

In other Fortnite-related news, Reddit user named Mr. Proper took a dive into the game files and leaked what possibly could be coming to the game very soon. If you aren’t afraid to be spoilered, head to Reddit and participate in the community discussion!

Epic is unwilling to let the story with the cheating minor go. After the boy’s mother wrote an open letter for the court, the things have quieted down. However, recently US District Court Malcolm Howard ruled that the mother’s letter should be seen as a motion to dismiss the case. As a result of this, Epic Games had to file a reply in which the publisher argues that most of the mother’s arguments fail to state a claim and therefore are irrelevant, and the company asks the Court to deny the mother’s motion to dismiss.

The November 15 Letter asserts that the EULA and the Terms do not create valid contracts with Defendant because Defendant is a minor. This “infancy defense” is not available to C.R. This is because, “[i]f an infant enters into any contract subject to conditions or stipulations, he cannot take the benefit of the contract without the burden of the conditions or stipulations.” C.R affirmatively agreed to abide by
Epic’s Terms and EULA, and “retained the benefits” of the contracts he entered into with Epic. Accordingly, C.R. should not be able to “use the infancy defense to void [his] contractual obligations by retaining the benefits of the contract[s]. The Court should deny Defendant’s motion to dismiss Plaintiffs breach of contract claim accordingly.

While on the topic of underage players, it has recently became known that Team Secret had signed a four people Fortnite squad. The teammates are 21, 20, 17 and… 13 years old.

“I actually had no idea he was 13 until the team told me. Because when we looked at some of the videos and we looked at their gameplay, it was not apparent. What immediately stood out to me was how mature he was, and he sounded just like one of the other guys.”

The young gamer, Kyle “Mongraal” Jackson, began playing Fortnite last fall and immediately fell in love with the game. Jackson is excited at the opportunity and, after getting his parents’ consent, he signed with Team Secret. The age restriction of tournaments, however, remains a concern.

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