Fortnite – Sony Dismisses Cross-Play Controversy

fortnite cross-play

Sony has been under a lot of fire for the PS4 account lock and their refusal to budge on the Xbox / Switch cross-play in Fortnite. If you had been waiting for the company to change their minds, unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be happening. During an interview with the Press Association, Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida has made his stance clear:

On cross-platform, our way of thinking is always that PlayStation is the best place to play. Fortnite, I believe, partnered with PlayStation 4 is the best experience for users, that’s our belief. But actually, we already opened some games as cross-platform with PC and some others, so we decide based on what is the best user experience. That is our way of thinking for cross-platform.

In other Fortnite news, check out the new Grappler tool that was demonstrated during the High Stakes event stream. The game has just become even more chaotic!

The Grappler is supposed to be introduced into the game as a part of update 5.4. Stay tuned to learn more when Epic releases the official patch notes!

1 Comment

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