Four Considerations to Think About Before Purchasing a Gaming Monitor

Monitor Considerations

If you are interested in enhancing your gaming experience, you may believe that purchasing the most advanced gaming monitor can assist you in achieving this goal. In truth, choosing the finest gaming monitor is dependent on a variety of factors beyond simply the monitor’s specifications and capabilities.

It is dependent on the aspects of your gaming setup that matter to you the most, as well as the kind of games that you play the most frequently and like the most. There are a lot of gamers nowadays playing online games such as poker, blackjack, roulette, and much more from their mobile devices and streaming it to their monitor, people are doing this so they can see their game more clearly and on a bigger scale.

Nevertheless, within this article, we will be exploring four essential factors that you need to consider when looking for a new gaming monitor.

Screen Size

Screen size should be one of the first considerations you make when selecting a monitor that is suitable for your needs. Remember, larger isn’t necessarily better and smaller monitors can be a better match for your workspace. The perfect monitor size is different for each person, but you should consider buying a monitor that is greater than 24 inches.

27E1N5600HE Philips monitor

Refresh Rate

The number of times per second that an LCD or plasma screen redraws its image is known as the refresh rate. The more frames per second you get from a display, the less motion blur you’ll perceive, therefore a higher refresh rate is better. Higher refresh rates are often preferable, especially in competitive gaming where every frame matters.

It is termed high-end or professional grade if the refresh rate of a gaming monitor falls outside the 60Hz to 144Hz range. For example, high-end displays with frameless designs are not unusual to run at 240 frames per second.


The number of visible pixels on your screen is referred to as its resolution. In a nutshell, it is essential to search for a monitor that has a high resolution since this will allow you to view more intricate elements in the video game or movie you are watching. If all you do is play Candy Crush, you might not believe that having a better resolution makes a difference.

A gaming monitor would typically feature a resolution of at least 1080p (Full HD), and most likely 1440p as well. However, with the technology nowadays, you should look for a screen resolution of at least 4K.

Lag Input

The term “input lag” refers to the length of time it takes the display to process what you are viewing, and it can contribute to a sluggish feeling during gaming.

The input latency of your display should be kept as minimal as possible for the most responsive gaming experience possible. Because they have low input latency ratings, several display panels are marketed primarily for the gaming industry as gaming panels.

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