Friday the 13th: The Game Devs Reveal Literal Roadmap

Gun Media and IllFonic have literally revealed the development road map for Friday the 13th: The Game. In a new post on the official forums, the team posted a large graphic map of what players can expect. While no firm dates are included, it’s a good indication of where the game’s headed.

Friday the 13th: The Game

Players have been concerned that development of the game had been abandoned, but this map proves otherwise. From what the team has said, new staff is even being hired to help out.

So what can you expect? The map includes things such things as emotes, a 1984 clothing pack, Part IV Jason, new counselors, kills and much more. You’ll also see at least a couple new maps and a “new Jason” and single-player challenges. All in all, it seems that devs have things well in hand.


IllFonic also shared news about the XBox One patches that have been a long time coming. Devs say that this has happened due to Microsoft’s “rigorous” approval, but that patches are incoming.

Because of the number of stability issues and bug fixes that had to be addressed, the Summer Update is behind schedule. As a result, single player updates are also behind. To help get things jump-started again, new team members have been brought on board to speed things up.

I also want to address the misconception that certain content we launch affects single player. It doesn’t. An artist working on outfits is not the same person that is programming AI. The designer setting up scripted events for single player is not making the new Jason models. What does impact Single Player are the bugs and stability issues; that AI programmer may have to shift to fixing a bug occasionally. The designer may have to shift to fix balance or gameplay bugs on maps. This is why we are delayed. We made the decision to fix rather than add new stuff which again, is what caused the delay.


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