New Frontier Days releases on Nintendo Switch today

Farming and breeding for everyone!
new frontier days

Brand new games are hitting the Nintendo Switch eShop today, as Frontier Days releases on the storefront. A sort of remake/remix of the original 3DS game, it promises upgraded visuals, new game modes, and even a survival mode. What exactly is New Frontier Days: Founding Pioneers? Good question!

Check out the trailer below. Did you play the 3DS version? Was it worth the time or was it Farmville without the annoying cash shop?

What’s New Frontier Days all about?

From the press release: A town-building simulation game, “New Frontier Days~Founding Pioneers~” was first released as a Nintendo 3DS downloadable eShop game and became a big success. The game has now been introduced to the Nintendo Switch, with brand new features coming along with it!  Boasting additional story modes and new elements, “New Frontier Days~Founding Pioneers~” is perfect for old and new fans alike!

  • 3 Game Modes
    Enjoy Story Mode and build the greatest frontier settlement you can alongside your assistant Jessica. Or Survival Mode, with 5 different difficulties to tackle. Or maybe Free Mode, where there are no game overs. Play the game in the mode that best suits you!
  • Invention Cards: Your Aces in the Hole
    As you progress in colonizing the land, you may obtain “Invention Cards” along the way. These cards provide various effects, such as shortening your farm harvesting time cycle, and increasing the fishing time and etc. There are over 290 cards in the game! Can you collect them all?
  • Pet Mania
    You can also keep wild animals as pets. Pets can go out with the pioneers to gather materials, or they can help in hunting, and even allow pioneers to ride on their backs!

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