Frostpunk is the new game from the This War of Mine devs

The city must survive...

Today, 11bit Studios released the first trailer for their new game, Frostpunk. It’s a cinematic trailer that doesn’t do much in the way of explaining what the game’s all about, but it sure does get the blood rushing. From the description on the site, it seems Frostpunk will be a different sort of survival strategy simulation, where you’ve got to keep a last bastion sort of city alive and stable. Sound intriguing? We expect more info soon.

What is Frostpunk? From the developer site:

What society is capable of when pushed to the limits? In a completely frozen world, people develop steam-powered technology to oppose the overwhelming cold. Society in its current form becomes ineffective and it has to change in order to surviveWhat does this change mean? What is culture when morality stands in the way of existence? Think about how survival may, in the end, leave us different beings. Whether worse, better, stronger, weaker or, last but not least, more or less humane – that is debatable. Frostpunk – developed by the creators of This War of Mine. More info soon. Coming in 2017.

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