Fuse Brings Explosive Fun to Apex Legends

The  Apex Legends team is ready to blow the lid off the game’s latest hero, Fuse. Walter “Fuse” Fitzroy is the next Mercenary coming to the game when Season 8 – Mayhem launches on February 2nd. To showcase Fuse’s place in the game’s meta, the team sent out a trailer and some information about each of his abilities.

Showcasing Fuse’s BOOM, check out some of his abilities:

  • Passive: Grenadier – Fuse’s mechanical arm throws ordnances farther, faster, and more accurately. Fuse can also stack more grenades per inventory slot than other Legends.
  • Tactical: Knuckle Cluster – Deploy a cluster bomb that splinters out mini-concussion mines.
  • Ultimate: The Motherlode –  Bring out Fuse’s rocket launcher “Wally” to drop ordnance that surrounds the target in a ring of flames.

While Fuse brings loud, fiery action to AL next season, there’s a lot more coming when Mayhem launches tomorrow. Players can look forward to a massive overhaul of the Kings Canyon map, a brand new battle-pass with tons of progression and goodies, the launch of the new 30-30 Repeater lever-action Rifle, and “gold magazines that keep your stowed guns locked and loaded”.

Season 8 – Mayhem launches on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Origin and Steam.

Check out the Apex Legends official site to learn more.

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