With the finale of Game of Thrones, Season 7 airing last night it seems a very convenient time perhaps for news of retail chain super giant Target and their listing for Game of Thrones by Bethesda to reach mainstream news.
Is Bethesda making a Game of Thrones title?
Discovered by a user on NeoGAF Gaming forums, Forbes American business magazine bought this news to our attention further discussing Bethesda as a company exploring their development.
On the gaming front it would no doubt please many Game of Thrones fans to see a full fledged GoT MMORPG with all the George R. R. Martin bells and whistles but after you watch the series and read the books, you cannot help but wonder which story line would be encapsulated?
The gaming giant has given us such titles as Skyrim and Elder Scrolls that may very well confirm they are able to confidentially deliver a full game package of the highest quality which is what fans would expect whether you game or not. No easy fete after such a riveting series with one season left to air and we look forward to seeing this possibility become a reality as well as Season 8 of Game of Thrones on HBO.
Would you prefer a game to stick to book or television storylines and do you think BETHESDA would make a great match for this development? This is just rumors currently BUT it sure makes great contemplation, conversation in the hope for such a game!