Gas Station Simulator Cleans Up With Free Car Wash Update

Before you get away for the weekend, make sure your ride is ready for the great outdoors with Gas Station Simulator’s free Car Wash Update.

Those of you looking for an offbeat adventure that won’t grind your gears might remember the launch of Gas Station Simulator. Now, the unusual tale from Movie games and Drago Entertainment that put players in charge of a service station has a free update and a new arm to your business. Out now and ready to download on PC, the Car Wash update adds, you guessed it, a car wash to the gas guzzling drive by.

More than just a soapy sponge and bucket, the Car Wash update might begin as a laborious process, but this extra service can upgrade through 5 levels of increasingly impressive upgrades. Once fully configured, it provides a completely automated top of the line washer to your services. As you might expect, that doesn’t mean operating this behemoth is easy. Even automated, owners will need to make sure the water pressure stays safe and doesn’t jam the delicate internal components. Don’t expect this to be the only new item added to Gas Station Simulator. There are new achievements, extra bug fixes, and a new location bundled into the update.

If you’ve not had a chance to stop by Gas Station Simulator yet or are looking for a management sim a bit more modern than Medieval Dynasty, then this surprisingly enjoyable break from reality could be worth a look. Anybody starting a side business on the open highway will find themselves in charge of a run down gas station, where you’ll need to clean, fix, paint, decorate, repair, or buy new equipment for this ramshackle enterprise. Alongside building and renovating the business, you’ll service a wide range of customers, cars, and let the game emerge as clientele drop in. If you’re ready to clean up then head over to the official Steam Store page now.

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