G’Day, Mate! Go Down Under in Civilization VI

How would you like to go ‘down under’ in Civilization VI? You’ll be able to in the first free content addition set to launch this summer. Australia is a free DLC that will open up a new location in addition to Steam Workshop, modding tools and multiplayer!

So What’s Civilization VI Down Under About, Mate?

You’ll meet former Australian Prime Minister John Curtain, a social progressive and one of the country’s top politicos. You’ll gain access to Aussie troops called “Diggers” complete with their distinctive headgear. As for new locations, look for Outback Stations, the Australian version of a cattle ranch.

Civ VI Digger

To show off some of what the update will feature, a new trailer was sent out to provide a ‘first look’. After checking it out, you can head to the official Steam page for more information.

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