Gearbox Bringing Expanded We Happy Few To XB1, PC & PS4 in 2018

We Happy Few is one of those games that has earned wide approval since release. Gearbox wants to expand on that by adding to the initial release version & bringing it to XBox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. The game will go live on April 13, 2018.

The Gearbox plan

GB plans to bring a nearly new experience to players. To do so, the updated version will feature a full-length story campaign as well as more than 250 unique encounters. Gamers can choose between three different characters with each one providing their own strengths and “dark secrets”. The goal is, of course, to survive “encounters with their drug-addled former neighbors, old friends, ex-lovers as well as each other”.

Compulsion Games, the original developer, continues to retain all creative control over We Happy Few as it evolves from a crowdfunding digital success to a worldwide multi-platform retail launch.

Early Access and Game Preview Program owners of the game have been able to explore part of of the world. They have collected and crafted items as well as interacted with the “Joy-obsessed” folks of Wellington Wells. When the game launches, players will experience how improved mechanics come together to create a completely new experience.

You can pre-order a physical copy of the game for $59.99. Digital customers will be granted access to the alpha. PS4 players will receive an exclusive theme.


The limited We Happy Few Collector’s Set, priced at $149.99, contains 60s-themed goodies like a replica Bobby mask, “You Look Smashing” Lamp, the We Happy Few soundtrack on vinyl, a Joy alarm clock, and more. It does not include a copy of the game so that Early Access players can purchase it separately.

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