Genre Bending ‘No Truce with the Furies’ Headed Out on a Road Trip

Humble Bundle will be trotting out its new “genre bending” game to Gamescom and PAX West. Called “No Truce with the Furies”, the game crosses into several different game genres.

Genre Bending & inspired by the greats

No Truce with the Furies is an “isometric” RPG that takes inspiration from games including PlaneScape: Torment and Kentucky Route Zero. Players will find science-fiction, fantasy and history all rolled into one great game.

Players take on the role of a police detective out to solve one more murder case. The idea is to choose what type of officer to become. Are you law-abiding? Do you walk on the shady side of the law? It is up to you to determine.

The “action” takes place in combat, but also through “quick-witted dialogue” with choices that range from good to bad and everything in between. You’ll even get inside your own head in the Thought Cabinet. According to devs, it’s here that you can look at your own fears, doubts, memories in order to help make big decisions.

Other features include:

  • Paint-shading: Devs have hand painted the environments.
  • The Skill System: The world’s simplest role-playing system called Metric. You can sing, dance, pay rent and actually fail at skill checks with profound results.
  • Audio and Ambiance: Mikee Goodman from the band SikTh provides voice-over and the band British Sea Power has recorded original music for the game.

You can learn more on the official site.

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