Genshin Impact – A Journey of Art and Heritage: Egg Carving

The developers of anime action-adventure Genshin Impact have shared a new video from the series “A Journey of Art and Heritage”. This time the viewers can learn more about the egg carvings.

“Light and shadow mingle where illusion meets reality. The scenes on the eggshells come to life, as if they were before our very eyes.”

Genshin Impact is currently going through the second phase of 4.2. However, the developers have already revealed the special program for Version 4.3: Roses and Muskets. The program will premiere on December 8th via Twitch at 07:00 AM (UTC-5) and arrive on the official Youtube channel an hour later.

But an even more exciting topic is what Version 4.3 has to offer in terms of optimization. And the answer is: a lot! Check out the article on HoYolab to learn all the juicy details or take a look at the list below:

  • Archon Quest “Requiem of the Echoing Depths” Unlinked From the Chasm World Quest. From the upcoming version and onward, The Chasm Delvers series quest series will no longer be a prerequisite for this Archon Quest.
  • One-Click Expedition Dispatch, Ingredient Processing & Forging Screens, as well as Mystic Offering
  • Optimized Artifact Management
  • Optimized Enhancement Screens: Level-Up, Artifact Enhancement & Weapon Enhancement
  • Character Reload Spot When Challenging Domains Repeatedly
  • Enemy Avatars display in the Adventurer Handbook
  • Automatically selecting characters that can provide a bonus for Crafting/Cooking/Forging/Create Furnishing if none were chosen before
  • On the map screen, you’ll now be able to check bosses’ current remaining respawn times by clicking their avatars
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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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