Genshin Impact – Check Out Layla Character Demo

The developers of action-adventure Genshin Impact are back with a new character demo. The video is dedicated to the 4* Cryo Sword shielder Layla, making her debut in the rerun banners of Yae Miko and Tartaglia in version 3.3 phase 2. Layla is also one of the characters participating in the currently ongoing Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event.

“There is nothing uncommon for a student working hard in the Akademiya to experience some insomnia.
Yet, in Layla’s case, the severity of her sleep deprivation is indeed extremely rare.
On the bright side though, if slumber is not on the to-do list tonight, why don’t we observe the starry sky?”

Layla is a student from the Rtawahist Darshan, dedicated to the study of Illuminationism. It is centered around astrology and astronomy, learning of the cosmos and more. Layla specializes in Theoretical Astrology.

On the battlefield, she can provide shields for the party and deal damage even when she’s off the field. Using her Elemental Skill, she casts a shield that absorbs damage for the party and deals Cryo damage to enemies through Shooting Stars while the shield is active.The skill’s damage absorption is based on Layla’s Max HP and absorbs Cryo damage with 250% effectiveness.

Her Burst releases a Celestial Dreamsphere that constantly deals Cryo damage to opponents within its AoE. Check out the blog post introducing her talents and abilities to learn more.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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