Genshin Impact – Character Teaser Wishes Nahida a Happy Birthday

Developer HoYoverse shared the latest character teaser for action-adventure Genshin Impact dedicated to the newcomer Dendro Catalyst Nahida. Coincidentally, it’s the Lesser Lord’s birthday – so join other players in their well-wishes before Nahida’s banner arrives in version 3.2: Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises.

“When I woke up, I was riding in a flower carriage…”

If you are unsure whether to spend your hard-earned primogems on Nahida’s banner or to unload on re-runs of Yoimiya, Tartaglia and Yae Miko, HoYoverse also shared the overview of Nahida’s abilities. Nahida knows in her heart that she must keep learning and grow up as quickly as she can to stand up and face the threats from the most abysmal corners of the world. This is her inevitable duty.

Nahida is a Dendro character who can create conditions for Dendro Elemental Reactions and deals damage even when she’s off the field. She can use her Elemental Skill to mark opponents with the Seed of Skandha, where marked opponents within a fixed range of each other will be bound to each other.

After you trigger Elemental Reactions on opponents who are affected by the Seeds of Skandha or when they take damage from Dendro Cores, Nahida will deal Dendro damage to opponent and all connected opponents. Nahida’s Elemental Burst expands the Shrine of Maya and grants her certain bonuses based on the number of Pyro, Electro or Hydro characters in the team.

Are you going to roll for Nahida or Yoimiya? Or are you waiting for the re-runs of Tartaglia and Yae Miko as well as the arrival of the new Cryo 4* Layla?

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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