Genshin Impact – Check Out Sethos Character Demo

The developers of anime action-adventure Genshin Impact are back with the introduction of another character. Sethos, an important player in Cyno’s second Story Quest and the latest 4-star to join the roster, got his character demo.

“Just as the seasons come and go, so do the tides of sand ebb and flow. Beneath the sweeping sands are those who preserve the legacy of ancient wisdom.”

Sethos is the heir of the Temple of Silence. He is an on-field Electro Bow damage dealer that can utilize Elemental Energy to perform enhanced Aimed Shots. With his Charge Level 2, Sethos is able to fire off powerful arrows that can pierce his enemies. He can also consume Elemental Energy to increase the charging speed and shorten the charging process significantly.

His Elemental Skill deals AoE Electro damage and can help Sethos regain Elemental Energy based on triggered reactions. In turn, it can be used to facilitate the usage of his Aimed Shots and Elemental Burst.

His Elemental Burst can convert his Normal Attacks into firing off enemy-piercing arrow shots for a set period of time to attack enemies in a more flexible and frequent manner. Damage dealt by said arrow shots is considered Charged Attack damage.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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