Genshin Impact Shared Gameplay Details for Shared Sight Event

Genshin Impact Shared Gameplay Details for Shared Sight Event

Developer HoYoverse has taken to the official site of anime action-adventure Genshin Impact to outline the latest event. Called Shared Sight, it tasks Travelers to find and retrieve all the small animals using the Inscribed Mirror to obtain Primogems and other rewards.

Event rewards include Primogems, EXP books, weapon materials and Mora. Requires AR20 or above.

Challenges will unlock in sequence after the event begins. Travelers will need to go to the event areas and interact with the signs to begin the challenges. Using the event gadget “Inscribed Mirror” will allow players to gain the animals’ point of view to locate them. The Shared Sight event will run through August 14 so don’t miss out!

Before venturing into Fontaine, players will still have time to experience Overflowing Mastery (August 7 to August 14) – consume Original Resin to double your Talent Material rewards from the corresponding Domains.

Recently, the team also shared a date for the Version 4.0 Special Program and a list of improvements coming to the game.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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