Get Grime On Nintendo Switch

Grime, the twisted adventure from publisher Akupara Games, is coming to the Nintendo Switch.

In among the slew of announcements from Nintendo’s Indie World Showcase, publisher Akupara Games and developer Clover Bite confirmed that Grime is coming to the Switch. Already available on PC and Google Stadia, Grime is described as an ‘action-adventure RPG’ where rock monsters loom large in a twisted reality. In this case, only the power of an anthropomorphic black hole can overcome this deeply disturbing environment.

Merging together ideas from a number of intersecting genres, Grime crushes these all into an unexpected experience, where players must control a nameless embodiment of destruction and consume the powers of your foes. When crushing enemies that stand before you, you’ll absorb the very essence of everything from trash mobs to massive end of level bosses to grab new weapons, forge upgrades, and become generally more powerful. While engaging in some unexpectedly satisfying combat, Grime unfolds a surreal tale of survival full of otherworldly characters and distinct civilizations.

This unforgiving, brutal hack and slash is yet another one of my highlights of 2021, and is already available to wishlist over on the Nintendo eShop ahead of its 2022 launch on the Nintendo Switch. To get a glimpse of the action, take a look at the new trailer or absorb our thoughts on the PC release of Grime.

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