Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Breakpoint – How To Get Into The Beta Test

As the prophecies have foretold, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon’s new installment is called Breakpoint. Last week Ubisoft has officially introduced the upcoming title and revealed it will be coming as soon as October 4, 2019.

As it often happens, there will be a closed beta best before the game launches. Even though there are currently no details what exactly what the beta will be like and when can players get in, Ubisoft has explained how you can get in.

At the moment the only guaranteed way to get into the game before the release is to pre-order it. In addition to the guaranteed beta access, pre-ordering Ghost Recon Breakpoint will also unlock the Sentinel Corp. Pack at launch, which gives you an early edge with three in-game exclusive items: the Valor assault rifle, the Sentinel Mk. 2 Assault set, and the Hammer Mk. 2 digital vehicle.

You can also register on the official site for a chance to participate in the beta.

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is coming to PS4. Xbox One, UPlay and Epic Games Store on October 4, 2019.

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