Ghost Recon Wildlands to Get “Ghost War” PvP Open Beta

For everyone who’s been waiting for PvP in Ghost Recon Wildlands, your time has come. “Ghost War” will have a stand alone open beta beginning September 21st.

Ghost Recon & PvP

During Ghost War, you’ll be able to try out a unique dozen classes. Each is designed to fit into one of three categories: Assault, Marksman and Support. They seem sort of like the holy trinity of shooters. Each class has its own weapons, customization and combat perks as well as specific PvP-only mechanics such as suppressing fire.

Teams of four will face off in deathmatch mode on large maps. Weather elements and time of day will also play a role, something that offers players tactical opportunities.There will be five maps available throughout the OBT.

Pre-loading of Ghost War will start on September 19th for PS4 and XBox One as well as PC. You won’t have to install the main game to play as Ghost War is a totally stand alone client for open beta! The event will run from September 21st to September 25th.

If you can’t play, you can check out a ton of Twitch stream content, all of which you can read about on the official site.

1 Comment

  1. Oh snap… time to dust off my sniper.

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