Gigantic Might Be Coming Back!


Gearbox just sent out a wave of testing invites that suggest we might be about to see the return of Gigantic.

Motiga’s hero based arena brawler might be making something of a colorul comeback, if the internet is to be believed. It appears that a round of invites went out to selected candidates, and they kick off a private test of the title. This is potentially huge news for fans of the title and the industry in general, because Gigantic was closed down back in 2018.

Originally developed by Motiga, and now helmed by Gearbox, this arena brawler took ideas from the likes of Paladins, LoL, Overwatch and more. It melded them together into one of the most explosive games to come to market. Player could pick from a range of unique heroes, battling, back and forth across a range of maps to take down a humungous, dare I say Gigantic, enemy guardians. It originally landed across Xbox and PC to generally positive reception but never really found a market. Now.

According to Twitter, more than a few fans and media types have been invited to jump into a special ‘Throwback Event.’ Kicking off on 5 October and running through until the 7 October, this limited time return is more thana simple rerun. Alongside dynamic movement, explosive action, and returning heroes players can expect a bunch of new content. In Rush Mode, the entire game will slim down the more complex elements and allow instantaneous access to Gigantic. The new additions also include a new build and loadout system, a collectable card lore system, extra customization options, and a refreshed tutorial system.

The entire thing is under NDA, so content leaks are unlikely. The invite emails, however, were not. You can check out more about the upcoming Gigantic event over on social channels while we wait on an official statement from Gearbox.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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