Go Maverick As Top Gun Flies Into Ace Combat 7

fighter jet fires into the distance - Go Maverick As Top Gun Flies Into Ace Combat 7

Ace Combat 7, the high flying jet combat sim from Bandai Namco, now has a celluloid cross over with the new Ace Combat 7 – Top Gun: Maverick Edition.

Back in the heyday of Hot Shots and the early Ace Combat series, we spent plenty of our hard-earned arcade credits imagining ourselves as a top tier dogfighting ace. Now Bandai Namco’s latest fighter jet sim is leaning a little heavier into that nostalgia as Ace Combat 7 launches a Top Gun: Maverick collaboration across PC and Console. Available now, across PC, Xbox One, and Playstation4 the new edition of Ace Combat: Skies Unknown might be a bit of a cash grab but it’s probably one that will do well.

Assuming you’re still looking to aim for a high altitude on the back of some post cinema excitement, then players picking up the Top Gun: Maverick DLC or new game package will be able to soar through photorealistic skies with full 360 degree movement and enjoy a massively immersive mix of realism and arcade combat. They will also find the new maverick add ons provide a Top Gun: Maverick set. This features 6 aircraft (inc. originals), as well as nicknames and emblems all related to the movie series. Anybody gabbing the game and DLC as a digital pack will also benefit from an added F-104C Avril aircraft in their hanger.

While the new crossover event is mostly just aimed at getting us to open our wallets and start taking unreasonable risks in the air, I’m pretty sure that’s all I want from Ace Combat 7. You can find out more about Ace Combat 7 and the new top Gun: maverick Editions over at the official Bandai Namco website now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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