God of War Will Feature 9 Unique Worlds

God of War

God of War is one of the most expected action RPGs of 2018. Recently, it became known that players can look forward to the 9 different worlds that will feature unique landscape. The developers from Sony Santa Monica Studios have visited different corners of the world, including Iceland and Scotland, to create truly realistic surroundings.

The developers promise that each world Kratos will get to explore with his son will be unlike the last. While Midgard might remind a lot of Earth with its inhabitants being normal humans, other worlds will be radically different.

God of War will release on April 20, 2018, exclusively for PlayStation 4.

From Garrett Fuller’s “What We Loved About God of War”:

The story of a full-blown killing machine able to conquer amazing beasts and gods can get pretty dull. After years of amazing fight mechanics and epic battles, the new story of God of War immediately sucked us into the gameplay.  Having a son to train and living in the northern forests changes the tone of the game a lot. As a matter of fact, Kratos takes on a new weapon with his battle ax, a new look, and a much more fatherly tone.  He’s got a hipster beard, after all. Has he finally let go of his rage? We doubt it.

Game developers have stated that Kratos’ son Atreus is a big part of the story, as is the boy’s mother who the team will not talk about right now. This dynamic leads to a sense of discovery and connection for the player. You are fighting epic monsters but also looking over your shoulder at the kid. Gaming parents will relate heavily to this idea and it’s too bad God of War is not available for this Father’s Day. It also seems that Atreus is sometimes playable, in certain situations. This keeps him from being a nuisance the whole game. It’ll be more like The Last of Us, and less like Resident Evil 4.

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